volunteer and help mckinney falls state park!
Give back to one of your favorite parks and volunteer with Friends of McKinney Falls! We have monthly volunteer opportunities to help maintain and keep our park clean.
We highly recommend that you register as a TPWD volunteer before volunteering with us! To become a TPWD volunteerclick on the link below and search for "Friends of McKinney Falls" to view our opportunities. Choose an opportunity, click "Sign Up", then "Apply to become a volunteer".
1st Sunday Trash clean upFriends of McKinney Falls State Park is part of the Adopt-a-Creek and the Adopt-a-Street programs with Keep Austin Beautiful. Join in on our monthly clean ups to help keep the park litter-free.
smith visitor centerVolunteer at the Smith Visitor Center and interact with visitors at the park! Shifts are Saturdays and Sundays, 3.5-4 hours each.
meetingsWant to know what "Friends" do for the park? All sorts of things! What do you want to do?